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If you right-click on a "From: " email address, you get the following
menu choices:

Reveal in Address Book
Open Contact
Open Contact in PowerMail Address Book
New Message To

The "Reveal in Address Book" choice opens the contact in PowerMail's
address book. So, essentially, it appears you have three ways (items 2,
3, 4) to view the same contact in the PowerMail address book, but still
no way to open the address in Apple's Address Book. But wait; if you
choose item 3, "Open Contact" it actually does open Apple's Address Book
- to "reveal" the contact. Confusing, isn't it? My preferences are set to
use Apple's Address Book in Preferences> Synchronization>"Open contacts
in Apple Address Book by default".

If you right-click on a "From: " email address,  that isn't already in
your Address Book, the menu choices are:

Add to Address Book
New Message To

That menu makes sense (although it obviously isn't concerned with
honoring the preferences) because once again, you end up in PowerMail's
address book. But once you finish adding the email address to the address
book, a right-click on a contact gives the following menu choices:

Delete Address Book item
Open item ...
Open contact in PowerMail Address Book

Items 2 & 3 are the same because they perform the same actions and the
menu choices are again different if the contact you right-click on is a group.

That tiny and easy to overlook dot (eyeball?) that is for searching the
PM address book should be changed. Every time I end up in the PM address
book, I'm looking all over for a search trigger. There is a lot of space
next to the "To", "CC", and "BCC" buttons, and I do literally mean a LOT
of room for a visually acute "FIND" button. Some people don't have
perfect vision and that tiny thing looks like a smudge - be considerate
of those with visual impairments.

Ok. I just had to get that off my chest because I've spent a lot of time
creating various AppleScripts to add email addresses to my Apple Address
Book and to groups in the AAB. I keep thinking it's going to be fixed in
each upgrade/update, but that has yet to happen. It's a major nuisance to
me, but I've refrained from mentioning it since I did so months ago. I
have a long list of things I might have to mention now and then, so they
aren't forgotten.


Great music is that which penetrates the ear with facility and leaves the
memory with difficulty. Magical music never leaves the memory. 

- Thomas Beecham (1879-1961), British conductor. quoted in Sunday Times
(London, Sept. 16, 1962). 

* 867 PowerBook G4 * OS X 10.2.8 * 768 MB Ram *

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