You can also go to <> and get a
script that cleans a mail from html, making it possible to answer it with
quoted text.

If you have BBEdit, I'd recommend "HTML Cleanup" by Wayne Brissette. If
not, try "html CleanUP" by W. Eric Tyson.

Max G

At Mon, 28 Jun 2004 13:11:04 -0500 (CET), Marlyse Comte

>you have gotten used to html heavy email applications, that is all.
>powermail's strength is that it is text based and only delivers minimal
>html support:
>- you can change in preferences to receive html email as text, then you
>can reply (but will also have the ugly tags).
>- if you want to read an html encoded message, you can click onto the
>little globe you will find with such messages at the bottom left: it will
>present the message in your webbrowser
>- you can choose to view the html right in powermail, also via that globe
>(click and hold and choose from the list)
>images are not displayed inline (that is how you have gotten accustomed
>to) - attachments are what they are: attached ;-)
>you can double-click the little attachment icon and the image will open.
>------------ former message(s) quotes: -------------
>>so i've stumbled onto some other issues with PowerMail.
>>- i can't select any text in an html-only email! and when i hit reply, it
>>doesn't quote anything. is PM supposed to work that way? half the emails
>>i get have some sort of formatting, even if it's just a default. i'm a
>>little flabbergasted if this is 'normal'.
>>- attached jpgs in received emails don't appear as pictures. they do in
>>eudora, apple mail etc. is this a limitation of PM or am i doing
>>something wrong?

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