Some of you probably have already noticed this, but in the latest version
of the AppleScript menu in PowerMail there is now an item that allows you
to Go to the AppleScript Archive page. Some people on this already also
know that I currently work for Apple Computer. My position at Apple is
moving back to the mothership in Cupertino, California. Not wanting to
move, I will leaving Apple shortly. Unfortunately one of the problems
associated with that is my account. Everything is run off of my (the thing assigned to you if you have a account, ever
used the Apple Discussion site, or purchased anything from the Apple
online store). Since my will be going away, so will my

CTM Dev has taken every script I had available on the AppleScript page
and brought it over to their site. Many thanks to them for hosting this.
I never intended to host it for this long, it just sort of happened. 

For those of you who haven't looked at the site, take a look there are
some excellent scripts available. There are a great many that can be
modified to suit new needs.

Later today I will be removing my scripting page and putting up a link to
the CTM page. That page will stay up there as long as my account
is active. Once it goes away, you will get the 404 error that
puts up. 


sans la Musique la Vie serait une Erreur
Without music, life would be a serious mistake.
- Frederich Nietzsche

Live DAT & Music Page:
Wayne's Music Calendar:
PowerMail AppleScript Archives:

Music Currently playing: Uncut "In This Morning Grey" : Those Who Were
Hung Hang Here

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