Interesting idea.... but have you spent much time dealing with IT
departments in big companies?
It is easier to deal with the duplicated emails :)

Seriously, getting them to make a change to an Exchange server is difficult.

Larry S. Samberg         [EMAIL PROTECTED]
VM/Fax: 270-514-0557

"Things that can't go on forever, don't"
Herbert Stein

On Thu, 3 Jun 2004 23:26:17 +0800 Andrew Karantzis wrote:

>This wont solve your problem from a powermail point of view, but have you
>thought about asking your IT boffins to add "masquerade as DOMAIN B" to
>your mail server. 
>i.e The mail server changes all out going emails from Domain A to Domain B.
>Andrew Karantzis
>Diverse Engineer     Mobile    : 0411 428 259
>DiversIT Pty Ltd     Telephone : (08) 9486 1244
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