Panther 10.3.3, PB 800, 1Gig Ram

1) After forgetting that I had the registration key and launching the
first time into 'Demo mode', dropping the key on the application worked
as expected.

"Upgrading to PowerMail 5" in Release Notes mentions "updating your
database or creating a new one" but provides no details. The "Upgrade
from PowerMail 3-4.webloc" document, pointing to <
upgrade/start>, brought up a "Not Found" page.

Thanks to the List, I was able to figure out that I needed to use File/
Database/Switch User Environment (not Import) to get my existing PM stuff
to work with 5. This should be better documented, or included in a PM
dialog to avoid confusion. After a 20-30 minute conversion, all my
scripts, signatures, config, and filters came through beautifully. Speed
and interface improvements are awesome!

2) By default my Cocoa toolbar in Recent Mail and opened mail documents
was 'hidden', so I had some brief confusion about the absence of the
Paper Clip and Send buttons. I used the silver button on the far right to
toggle it.

3) I agree with those who believe the "In Tray" and "Out Tray" icons
should have little arrows on them.

4) I don't use Spamsieve. My PM-only filters are about 99% effective. I
had my own 'Spam' folder, so had to change the name of that and then
modify the filters to put SPAM in the new SPAM folder. I had previously
set these filters to first put SPAM in Trash and then move it to SPAM
folder, so that filtered SPAM would not appear in 'Recent Mail'. [Thanks
to whomever provided that tip on the List!] Is there some automatic
settiing for that now with 5?

5) The List Pop-up button (which appears at the bottom when you open a
List mail) is great! Can we get the PM list to support more of these
options such as "List Owner" and "List Archive"?

6) I would STILL LOVE to see a "Reply to List Post" option that would
parse the selection from a Digest with a Reply sent to the list, but
quoting the "From:" field of the selected post, and using the "Subject" 
from the selection instead of "PowerMail discussion digest blah, blah".
There was an Applescript (or was it Emailer Tools?) that did this in the
old days.

7) I don't care much about HTML mail, but I would like to see a little
picture of the sender and/or recipient of mail when there is a picture
available in Apple's Address book, the way iChat and Apple Mail do.   :-)

8) Minor Request: In Setup/Mail Filters (dialog), I would like to quickly
review my existing filters. Tried to do this by starting with the list at
the top and using [Down Arrow]. This works the first time, jumping to the
second filter, but the next [Down Arrow] takes the curser to the active
field in the "Conditions" section of the dialog, and then the arrow keys
control  the cursor within the selected field. [Tab] and [Shift] + [Tab]
move me nicely from field to field and eventually re-activate the Filter
List. Modifiers don't appear to have any effect on the arrow keys when in
the Filter List.

The fastest way I could figure to key through the Filter List was to use
the mouse. With the keyboard, it was:
[Down Arrow]
[Tab] (Number of further tabs depends on complexity of filter)
until Filter List is active


I would like, with the Filter List active, to be able to [Down Arrow] my
way through my filters.

Many thanks to CTMdev and all of you who contributed to this new version!

- Chris

** CHRIS'S UNPREDICTABLE and OCCASIONAL Newsletter for Mac Users **

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