>Subject: Screen re-draw problems
>From: "Daniel Ross, SJ" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Date: Mon, 17 May 2004 06:28:49 +0800
>I've been using the beta version of PowerMail the past few weeks. I
>usually have the "Recent Mail" in a reduced size at the bottom of the
>screen. When I want to view it in an expanded size I hit the green button
>and the window expands as a blank page. It does not re-draw until I click
>on the top of the window where "Subject", etc. are supposed to be
>displayed. These are also not re-drawn until I click where one of them
>should be. Sometimes I have to click on this window more than once before
>a re-draw takes place.
>I never saw this on the non-beta version.
>Dan (Running OS 10.3.3 on an iMac G4)

I've got another re-draw problem. Selecting one or more messages in the
Spam folder or "Recent Mail", control/right click and select "Move to
Mail Trash" moves the messages but leaves the image of the deleted stuff
overlaid at the top of the Mail Browser screen.

Been there for me in 4 and in all 5 betas. OS 10.2.8

Also still getting unexpected quits in Beta 26


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