You wrote:

>I now don't see the point
>of having the spam folder

The Spam folder is both a safety feature and a convenience.

It is a safety feature because it enables the rest of us to train our
spam applications. During training, you can validate messages in the Spam
folder as positive or false spam -- black list or white list. The Spam
application learns from what you do. Without it, non-spam messages would
end up in the Trash.

What's wrong with that? Well, for the rest of us, we don't want to weed
through pages of mail that we deliberately deleted, intermingled with all
that mail that was placed in the trash by a Spam filter. You evidently
get so few email messages that it doesn't matter to you, and that's fine.

It's a convenience because providing the user with a pre-named folder for
this holding area is much kinder than instructing the user, "Make your
own folder. Call it whatever you want."

Richard Hart

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