I think this was covered a few days ago, but I foolishly failed to save
the messages.  Any help would be welcome.

My two most-used PM scripts have stopped working under PM5.  They are
scripts I wrote to move things into the trash and into a storage mailbox
I've set up.  I then trigger these scripts with Key Xing.   (I know that
cmd-backspace works for deleting, but I've used cmd-D for years and would
like to keep it that way).

Anyhow, the scripts are structured like:

tell application "PowerMail 5.0b12"
        set theMessages to current messages
        repeat with msg in theMessages
                move msg to message container "<name of mailbox>"
        end repeat
        close window
end tell
How do I need to rework this under PM5?


Scott T. Hards
HobbyLink Japan (www.hlj.com)

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