*This message was transferred with a trial version of CommuniGate(tm) Pro*
Thanks Jerome. I'll have to see if I can set this up to replace the
script. I assume that this will run significantly faster than my script?

Andy Fragen

On Thu, Apr 22, 2004, PowerMail Engineering said:

>Ben Kennedy wrote:
>>Ah... maybe I see what you mean.  If a msg contains attachments
>>"virus.pif" and "legitfile.txt", then using the PM filter will cause both
>>to be discarded, when in reality you want to retain the second file.  Yes?
>I was waiting for this one :-)
>The filters are in fact a bit smarter. Some examples:
>If the filter is:
>    [spam rating]
>    [attachment name] [ends with] [.exe]
>    [attachment name] [ends with] [.pif]
>    [any condition is met]
>    [move attachments to trash]
>    [move message into folder] [spam]
>then all the attachments of spam messages will be trashed, but only .exe
>and .pif will be trashed for non spam messages; all spam messages, and
>all message that contain .exe or .pif files will be moved to the spam folder.
>If the filter is:
>    [spam rating]
>    [attachment name] [ends with] [.exe]
>    [all conditions ar met]
>    [move attachments to trash]
>    [move message into folder] [spam]
>then all spam messages that have a .exe attachment will be moved to the
>spam folder; if a spam message contains a .exe and a .jpg attachment,
>only the .exe attachment will be moved to the trash.
>Jérôme - PowerMail Engineering
>   "Best email client onthe mac I've seen. Fabulous! I've been usign it
>    for years without issues in both OS9 and OSX. It runs flawlessly."
>  PowerMail user comment on www.vesiontracker.com
>         Download a demo version from www.ctmdev.com

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