
though I have suggested a solution to the "manually marked as good keeps
Spam label color" problem, I am now also in the situation where I would
like to have the ability to perform an AppleScript after both, "Manually
mark as Spam" and "Manually mark as good". This should be an additional
preference in the "Mark as Spam" Pref pane.

Reason: I too want Spam messages colored differently. When I do a
"manually mark as Spam" on a message judged good by the system, it is
moved to the Spam folder (according to my setting), but there is no way
to assign it the "Spam" label automatically.

Why an AppleScript and not that specific additional option? Because you
never know... :-) In AppleScript I can do all sorts of things which might
prove helpful at some later time (e.g. using AppleScript to maintain a
database that records original domain and time sent to create a Spam/
domain and Spam/daytime distribution chart). Also, I might want to add a
remark to the subject and/or content indicating when I marked this
message as Spam manually (or better, _that_ I did it manually).

Regards, Christian.

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