smelik smelik schrieb am 01.04.2004 mit Absender [EMAIL PROTECTED]

>A minor wish: when adding an address to the address book, I wish I could
>immediately put it in a folder. Now I have to add it, open the address
>book, and then put it in a folder.
>Just a minor thing.
That brings to mind a very small feature, I wish there was. I have been a
little angry from time to time, that in the address the field "name"
automatically puts the surname first, which I don't do in any of my
databases. It is great to change the position of first name and surname
with one click in their fields, could it be possible to have a checkbox
in the preferences, that says "first name first" or a button in the
address that makes this exchange in one go?

I am also missing the option to see, where the data of databases are
going to be stored, that I want to import. As it is at the moment, I have
to wait until its done to find out, whether the information went into the
right fields. I would like to be able to clearly assign data to certain
fields before the import, just in case the database to be imported has,
for whatever reason, the wrong order of information. A lot of databases
have that feature, including Filemaker Pro, eMailer and Outlook Express,
so I guess, it might not be too problematic to program it. If it is
already there, I would be happy to learn how to handle it ... and take
everything back!

Best to all

Florian Fürst
Berlinickestr. 6
D-12165 Berlin
Tel. +49-30-56739940
Fax +49-30-56739941
Mobil +49-179-9230923

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