smelik / 04.3.8 / 6:26 PM wrote:

>For Semitic languages you select a Semitic keyboard and you write from
>right to left, which PM does not support (OSX does).

Oh, I see.  This is very interesting.
Japanese traditionally writes right to left vertically.  Of course it is
much more comfortable that way for me, but it is not widely supported.  I
actually don't know any emailer supports it.

I don't think it is such that OS supports.  Japanese traditional writing
direction has been supported since Aldus Pagemaker and M$Word, but they
make you pay for the localized version.  In another word, English version
doesn't fully support the unconventional writing direction.  Manufactures
sees it as a feature to sell.  This is different from graphic oriented
app like Photoshop, y'know.

Here is the question I am now very interested in.
How do you encode HTML in Semitic?  Do you code from right to left, and
how?  Japanese certainly can not do this.  We are stuck with left to right.


- Hiro


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