
This should work for you.

tell application "PowerMail"
        set theMessages to current messages
        repeat with msg in theMessages
                set s to source of msg
                tell application "TextEdit"
                        make new document at the beginning of documents with 
properties {text:s}
                end tell
        end repeat
end tell

Enjoy, and I'm sorry BBEdit doesn't play well with Japanese.

Andy Fragen

On Sun, Dec 28, 2003, A-NO-NE Music said:

>Andy Fragen / 03.12.26 / 4:16 PM wrote:
>>I wrote a quick script to use with BBEdit for this. Here it is.
>>tell application "PowerMail"
>>      set theMessages to current messages
>>      repeat with msg in theMessages
>>              set s to source of msg
>>              tell application "BBEdit"
>>                      make new window
>>                      set contents of front window to s
>>              end tell
>>      end repeat
>>end tell
>Hi Andy,
>Thank you so much for your response, and apology for late response.
>I don't have BBEdit.  This is because BBEdit has an IME bug if running
>under Japanese locale.  Their tech knows it.  They are supposed to let me
>know when they fix it.  Meanwhile, I use vi or mi.  mi is a big brother
of vi.
>So, I tried to use your script with TextEdit, but I am not used to
>reading AppleScrip dictionary, and have not found the way to get around
>the 'window' error if I run the script.  "NSArgumentsWrongScriptError". 
>What do I need to modify?
>Thank you so much.
>- Hiro

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