On 07 12 2003 at 8:18 pm -0500, Riva Freifeld wrote:

>Unfortunately the redirected message showed up on the list as having been
>sent by me, both in the "From:" window and in the From column of the In
>Tray list.

I am speculating here, but perhaps your mailing list software is too
"smart" for your liking, and extracted your name from the From field.
Does it show up as being From just your name, or with the "By way of"

When you "redirect" in PowerMail it appears to format the From: field thus:

From: "Original sender name" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
    (by way of Recipeient name <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>)

From my perspective this seems a little odd, since it is like there are
two From-names (separated by the comma).  I haven't looked at the RFC
however to see how that ought to be interpreted.  One would expect a
listserv to parse out the first part of it as would a human, but you
never know.

Another thing to keep in mind is that PowerMail redelivers using the SMTP
"RCPT TO" mechanism while preserving the original To: header in the
message.  Your listserv might be receiving the message and behaving
differently since it does not see the message addressed to it, but again,
that's only a guess.  (I am on some lists which refuse messages that are
Bcc'd to them, which is effectively the same thing)


Ben Kennedy, chief magician
zygoat creative technical services
613-228-3392 | 1-866-466-4628

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