I see the "red dots" quite often, and if I keep PowerMail open for a long
writing/editing session, I can get one in nearly every line down the left
side of my window. (I have one to play with right now.) I'd say it's
smaller than a period. Maybe just a single pixel. They stick to the
window location regardless of scrolling, and through window moves, but
resizing the window kills them. When I look very closely, I can see that
there are actually a bunch of them on the inner left edge of the window,
but they are nearly invisible. I think somehow they 'clump' together and
then become visible (and annoying).

I have generated a couple of screenshots which seem to confirm their
presence and clumping and sent these along to PowerMail support.

- Chris Plummer

On Sun, 30 Nov 2003 16:51:28 +0000, "Pat O'Halloran" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
allegedly wrote: 

>Subject: Artifacts

>Does anyone else get the odd red artifact appearing down  the left hand
>side of messages they are typing?
>I can't get them to appear on demand but they consist of a red dot, the
>size of a period at the extreme left edge of messages. They usually only
>appear a little way down the page, a couple of paragraphs or so, but
>don't always appear.
>For instance, I am typing this and waiting for them to show but so far
>nothing has happened.
>Has anyone else seen anything similar at all?

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