(sorry - wrong title on original post)

I'm having trouble with receiving messages hanging with the messages only
partly received. I can close the receiving messages dialog box using the
Stop button and it will work properly the next time. The problem happens

I call an AppleScript on each transaction as follows. My guess is that if
the AppleScript takes too long to execute, Powermail is not resuming.

Any ideas how I can fix this?

tell application "PowerMail"
        set theMessages to current messages
        repeat with msg in theMessages
                set theText to the content of msg & time sent of msg
                        tell application "HyperCard"
                        do script "go to card 1 of stack NSB Invoice"
                        set card field "Report" to theText
                        do script "click at the loc of cd button UpdateImport"
                end tell
        end repeat
end tell

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