thanks for the input!

weird that it worked for a couple of years - but it makes sense what you
write. I'll check it out a bit later. you write the other, suggested
script is more efficient - in which manner do you mean more efficient?
Just curious.


--------------- former message(s) quotes: ----------------

>On Tue, Nov 25, 2003, the following words from Marlyse Comte
>[EMAIL PROTECTED], emerged from a plethora of SPAM ...
>>I've used in the past successfully 2 scripts to daily backup my Message
>>Database and my Address Book
>>Now, if I select a script via PM's AppleScript pulldown menu, all is well
>>and it will backup. BUT, if I just double-click the same script in the
>>finder, it will not execute, just open the Script. Fine, I click RUN -
>>Result is that the AppleScript itself gets duplicated. 
>>The path is correct, same script, 2 different behaviors. Any idea how to
>>overcome this? 
>>It's a problem because I used to use iCal to trigger these scripts, but
>>it just isn't working anymore. It used to work with having an Alias of
>>that script in the iCal folder. Now nothing works.
>>The duplicate Address Database script looks like this:
>>set originalAB to "FullPath:Address Database" as string
>>tell application "Finder"
>>      select file originalAB
>>      duplicate selection
>>end tell
>Your script is being duplicated because of the "duplicate selection" line
>above. This can be avoided by making sure that the item you want to
>duplicate isn't an item selected in the Finder. Changing your script to
>something like this should work:
><Begin AppleScript>
>set originalAB to "FullPath:Address Database" as string
>tell application "Finder"
>  duplicate file originalAB
>end tell
><End AppleScript>
>This isn't necessarily a Panther problem - it was something to be avoided
>in earlier OS. As long as the script is given the full path of the
>object/file to work with, there is no need to have the Finder select it,
>or problems like this can arise.
>Although, for a more efficient script, you might want to do something
>like this:
><Begin AppleScript>
>property originalAB: alias "FullPath:Address Database"
>tell application "Finder" to duplicate originalAB
><End AppleScript>
>Sometimes even to live is an act of courage.
>- Lucius Annaeus Seneca, writer and philosopher
>* 867 PowerBook G4 * OS X 10.2.6 * 768 MB Ram *

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