Juergen Schindler [Mi, 12. Nov 2003]:

>First I wrote a message, told PM to send it with e.g. A-account and
>queued the mail. But before connecting to the net I decided to send it
>with B-account. I opened the message again, changed the account and I
>queued it again.
>But PM sends the message twice!!! To the A-account smtp server and to the
>B-account server. This is certainly reproducible.
>Has anyone seen this behavior, too?

Yes, I reported this to CTM several months ago, and it was just recently
brought up by Mikael Byström on this list again. At the time I reported
this issue, CTM was not able to reproduce it (and therefore fix it). But
since we are at least three now, maybe they'll have a look at it again.

Regards, Christian.

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