Using PM 4.2.1 and SpamSieve 2.0.2...

I get a spam message or message which I 'teach' SpamSieve is spam and use
SS's "Report to SpamCop" AppleScript. When finishing the report at
SpamCop I see the error

>Finding links in message body 
>Parsing text part 
>error:    couldn't parse head 
>Message body parser requires full, accurate copy of message 
>More information on this error.. 
>no links found 

More information on this error says...

>One common pitfall that still seems to be prevalent is erroneous wrapping
>of long email header lines being submitted to SpamCop.  If this type of
>problem is present in submitted spam, SpamCop will refuse to scan the
>message body for links, instead producing an error. 


So PowerMail is incorrectly wrapping lines in the mail header when I send
it to SpamCop? Solutions?


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