On Mon, Oct 06, 2003, Tim Lapin [EMAIL PROTECTED], invoked powers within
the internet realm, to proclaim ...

>On   Monday, October 06, 2003 at 1:59 PM,   Marco Piovanelli   sent forth:
>>I upgraded to PowerMail 4.2.1 earlier today.
>>I was about to simply copy the newer version to my Applications
>>folder, overwriting PM 4.2, then (fortunately) it came to me that
>>this would destroy my custom scripts, which I had added to:
>>    PowerMail.app/Contents/MacOS/PowerMail Additions/PowerMail Scripts/
>>This brings up a question:
>>Is the above folder the only location PM will search for scripts?
>>If so, may I suggest having separate locations for factory-installed
>>scripts and user-written ones? (the latter being somewhere _outside_
>>the application bundle)
>No, it is not the only place, thankfully.  Your scripts can (and probably
>should) go into:
>   Users/<user>/Documents/PowerMail 4 (or 3) Files/PowerMail Scripts/

For the majority of my scripts, I use the script.menu extra, so I've put
my scripts in 


I've also put scripts in the
    PowerMail.app/Contents/MacOS/PowerMail Additions/PowerMail Scripts folder.

I include a space at the beginning of the file name so that my scripts
are at the top of the list within the PowerMail Additions/PowerMail
Scripts folder. But, I don't often put sripts in there if I can help it
because I have to restart PowerMail for the scripts to show up. They show
up immediately using the script.menu but I apparently can't use them in

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