On Fri, Sep 12, 2003 at 8:15 am -0400, aob_ml wrote:

>Thankfully I run my own domain, and have been able to run some filtering
>at that level.

Maybe SpamAssassin would be a better option for you?

>When I mentioned that $25 for SpamSieve was a deal breaker, it's not that
>$25 is a lot of money, it's that I'd feel like a sucker for paying for
>something that's free elsewhere.  From looking over the site, I'm sorry
>but I don't see anything particularly magical about SpamSieve.  If
>anything PopFile seems more robust, but the same problems exist with either.

If you're talking about the locking problem, it's not an issue with
POPfile because the program acts as a proxy server. The email client only
talks to POPfile, not to the 'real' mailserver.


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