Did you try
Select All
and then Mark as Read?


Robert Snyder said:
> I have a problem with PowerMail that I sent to support several days ago,
> but have not heard back from them I will bring it here to see if anyone
> has experienced this or knows how to fix it.
> I was reading mail from my In Tray when my powerbook decided to suddenly
> shut down. When I rebooted and opened PM all the messages were still in
> the In Tray--good, I thought. However, once I finished reading the all
> the messages in the In Tray, it failed to become unbolded. I tried first
> to compact my databases, but after compacting the addresses it would fail
> when it tried to compact the mail boxes, saying that there in use error.
> The next thing I tried was low level rebuild of the DBs from the repair
> menu by launching with option-command held down. This rebuilt went fine,
> but when my Mail Browser opened, the In Tray was still Bolded, even
> though I had no unread messages in the Tray.
> PM seems to be working OK, but it is very annoying not being able to tell
> if there really is new mail in my In Tray.
> Any suggestions?
> PowerMail support case #BYLOSE
> PowerMail version: 4.2 carbon
> Mac OS version: 10.2.6
> ____________________________________________
> Robert Snyder, Director
> World Campus Data Management Services
> The Pennsylvania State University
> 105 Mitchell Building
> University Park  PA  16802
> Phone: 814-865-0912  Fax: 814-865-4406
> URL: http://www.worldcampus.psu.edu/my.campus

Mirko Kranenburg
Maastricht, Netherlands

OS X 10.2.6, QuickSilver 733, 1Gb RAM
Freeway Pro 3.5, NavPak, GraphPak
PowerMail 4.1.3, 3 panes
the whole MarinerPak

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