Gregor Schmidpeter wrote:

>4.2 final does not filter nor search any content (my favorite new
>feature) of those typical HTML spam mails :

>W<!--u410n82qmyg6h-->hy etc., etc.
>etc., etc., etc.

>Why not?...

You'll notice I've altered the above "typical html spam" content to only
one instance of that "technique", in hopes of receiving the next digest.
(If no one else quotes that part of your message).

I would guess the answer to your question is that PowerMail doesn't
actually read HTML. I believe it uses Apple's HTML rendering engine to
*display* it, but it doesn't *read* it. Note that if you display a HTML
message as text, then save it as text, and then open it with PowerMail,
the message is blank.

I'll also say your inclusion of typical HTML spam caused my server to
reject the digest containing your message, as I have a server filter set
to reject exactly those types of messages. After noticing the digest
didn't come, I looked in the logs and saw it had been blocked. I then
removed the filter, so it came through on the third re-send.

I've now replaced the filter. Hopefully, no one else on the digest will
mimic spam content/technique quite so accurately in the future.

On the upside, the filter works great! Only one instance of it rejecting
real mail. :-)


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