
I have recently run into an issue where some HTML formatted mail causes
the 4.2 Public Beta to crash when I try read it from the browser. Not all
HTML formatted mail but some. Those that do I can replicate the crash
each and everytime I try to open the message.

Below is the from the PowerMailCrash.log


Date/Time:  2003-09-02 22:51:07 -0400
OS Version: 10.2.6 (Build 6L60)
Host:       mitwc88.local.

Command:    PowerMail
PID:        3062

Exception:  EXC_BAD_ACCESS (0x0001)
Codes:      KERN_INVALID_ADDRESS (0x0001) at 0x0486e000

Thread 0 Crashed:
 #0   0x919a9b9c in sum(short*, short)
 #1   0x919ba7e8 in CTableWebNode::CalcColumnWidths()
 #2   0x919baa50 in CTableWebNode::GetRenderingHeight()
 #3   0x919d4054 in CTableCellWebNode::GetCellMinHeight()
 #4   0x919baadc in CTableWebNode::GetRenderingHeight()
 #5   0x919d7900 in CCollectionWebNode::GetRenderingHeight()
 #6   0x919b3fa8 in CRootWebNode::GetRenderingHeight()
 #7   0x919e8e30 in CWebNode::GetRenderingSize(SDimension32&)
 #8   0x919ea7f8 in CWebView::ResizeFrameBy(short, short, unsigned char)
 #9   0x919dc1cc in CHidableScrollerView::ShowHideBarsAndResize()
 #10  0x919db920 in CHidableScrollerView::SubImageChanged(LView*)
 #11  0x919df674 in LView::ScrollImageBy(long, long, unsigned char)
 #12  0x919ea8c4 in CWebView::ScrollImageBy(long, long, unsigned char)
 #13  0x919ea0e4 in CWebView::GoToPtrDirect(FSSpec const&, char*,
unsigned long, unsigned char)
 #14  0x919ec2e4 in CWebView::GoToPtr(char*, unsigned long, unsigned
char, unsigned char)
 #15  0x919a6c8c in HRGoToPtr
 #16  0x00522bfc in LHTMLView::SetHTMLData(char *, long)
 #17  0x00240dd0 in CMessageView::ShowMessageHTML(LHTMLView *, CMsg *,
unsigned char *)
 #18  0x00240a64 in CMessageView::ShowMessageHTML(void)
 #19  0x0023f380 in 0x23f380
 #20  0x0022ffa0 in CMailBrowser::SpendTime(EventRecord const &)
 #21  0x005646cc in LPeriodical::DevoteTimeToIdlers(EventRecord const &)
 #22  0x005639f0 in LEventDispatcher::UseIdleTime(EventRecord const &)
 #23  0x005d6984 in LTSMDocApp::ProcessNextEvent(void)
 #24  0x00208aa8 in CPMApp::ProcessNextEvent(void)
 #25  0x0055c22c in LApplication::Run(void)
 #26  0x001f6328 in main

Thread 1:
 #0   0x90073c08 in mach_msg_trap
 #1   0x90005ed0 in mach_msg
 #2   0xc0009528 in __ape_internal
 #3   0xc0001368 in __ape_agent
 #4   0x90020c88 in _pthread_body

Thread 2:
 #0   0x90073c08 in mach_msg_trap
 #1   0x90005ed0 in mach_msg
 #2   0x90229cf8 in SwitchContexts
 #3   0x902245a0 in YieldToThread
 #4   0x90242700 in SetThreadState
 #5   0x9026cf08 in SetThreadStateEndCritical
 #6   0x0055adf4 in LThread::SemWait(LSemaphore *, long, QHdr &, unsigned
char &)
 #7   0x005d22a4 in LSemaphore::BlockThread(long)
 #8   0x005d2150 in LSemaphore::Wait(long)
 #9   0x0055961c in LThread::Cleanup::Run( (void))
 #10  0x0055b5d4 in LThread::DoEntry(void *)
 #11  0x9023b180 in CooperativeThread
 #12  0x90020c88 in _pthread_body

Thread 3:
 #0   0x9000508c in syscall
 #1   0x90515d0c in BSD_waitevent
 #2   0x905156dc in CarbonSelectThreadFunc
 #3   0x90020c88 in _pthread_body

Thread 4:
 #0   0x9003ea08 in semaphore_wait_signal_trap
 #1   0x9003e824 in _pthread_cond_wait
 #2   0x9051dbf0 in CarbonOperationThreadFunc
 #3   0x90020c88 in _pthread_body

Thread 5:
 #0   0x9003ea08 in semaphore_wait_signal_trap
 #1   0x9003e824 in _pthread_cond_wait
 #2   0x9053c600 in CarbonATOperThreadFunc
 #3   0x90020c88 in _pthread_body

Thread 6:
 #0   0x90073c08 in mach_msg_trap
 #1   0x90005ed0 in mach_msg
 #2   0x90229cf8 in SwitchContexts
 #3   0x902245a0 in YieldToThread
 #4   0x90242700 in SetThreadState
 #5   0x9026cf08 in SetThreadStateEndCritical
 #6   0x0055a3d8 in LThread::Suspend(void)
 #7   0x0040ba58 in CThreadImp::SuspendPPThread(CPPThread *)
 #8   0x0040aea4 in CConditionImp::Wait(CMutex *)
 #9   0x0040ac38 in CConditionImp::Wait(CMutex &)
 #10  0x003ec5ac in CCondition::Wait(CMutex &)
 #11  0x0040a738 in CSemaphore::Wait(CMutex &)
 #12  0x00321a5c in Get__42CPipe<Q219
 #13  0x00320164 in CAddrBookSyncThread::Run(void)
 #14  0x003eec2c in CBasicThreadImp::Run(void)
 #15  0x0040b28c in CPPThread::Run(void)
 #16  0x0055b5d4 in LThread::DoEntry(void *)
 #17  0x9023b180 in CooperativeThread
 #18  0x90020c88 in _pthread_body

Thread 7:
 #0   0x9003ea08 in semaphore_wait_signal_trap
 #1   0x9003e824 in _pthread_cond_wait
 #2   0x905259e0 in CarbonInetOperThreadFunc
 #3   0x90020c88 in _pthread_body

Thread 8:
 #0   0x9003ea08 in semaphore_wait_signal_trap
 #1   0x9003e824 in _pthread_cond_wait
 #2   0x90232754 in TSWaitOnSemaphoreCommon
 #3   0x9023b550 in TimerThread
 #4   0x90020c88 in _pthread_body

PPC Thread State:
  srr0: 0x919a9b9c srr1: 0x0200f030                vrsave: 0x00000000
   xer: 0x00000000   lr: 0x919ba7e8  ctr: 0xfffd220f   mq: 0x00000000
    r0: 0x00001269   r1: 0xbfffe0a0   r2: 0x28802242   r3: 0x0486e000
    r4: 0xffffffff   r5: 0xbfffe10c   r6: 0x00000300   r7: 0x0000001e
    r8: 0x00000010   r9: 0x00001269  r10: 0xfffffffe  r11: 0x04099d40
   r12: 0x919f1670  r13: 0x0085b1c4  r14: 0x00000001  r15: 0x02504960
   r16: 0x047b6510  r17: 0x00000000  r18: 0x00000000  r19: 0x00000000
   r20: 0x00000000  r21: 0x00000001  r22: 0x00860e30  r23: 0x0280000f
   r24: 0x04099d40  r25: 0x048129e0  r26: 0xbfffe0e0  r27: 0xffffffff
   r28: 0x04099cc0  r29: 0x041fcbc0  r30: 0x00000000  r31: 0x919ba3e8


Robert Snyder, Director
World Campus Data Management Services
The Pennsylvania State University
105 Mitchell Building
University Park  PA  16802
Phone: 814-865-0912  Fax: 814-865-4406 

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