In the past 2-3 weeks, I've been getting the occasional attachment with
an extra '.b64' extension thrown on. Like 'filename.doc.b64' or
'filename.bmp.b64' --I can't open these. Well, ok, I can open them with a
text editor but they're just miles of garbage text. I'm assuming that b64
would be the same as base64, which I would expect PowerMail to be able to
decode, but this doesn't seem to be the case. Is anyone else having this
trouble? the people sending me these files have no idea why they're
coming through like this. They aren't specifically doing anything to them
(however, they also are not big techno-types, so perhaps they did
something accidentally). I sent one of the files to a PC user friend who
IS fairly technically oriented and she couldn't open it either.


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Normal is just a setting on a washing machine

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