
We are hereby pleased to announce the availability of the PowerMail 4.2
public beta release, which can be directly downloaded from:


This has been extensively tested both in-house and by devoted external
testers; nevertheless, please see read this text entirely in order to use
this non-final software efficiently and responsibly, thank you.

What's new in the PowerMail 4.2 public beta (from version 4.1.3)

- Now includes entirely new CTM FoxTrot(TM) high-speed search technology;
benefits over previous PowerMail releases include:
* Ultra-fast indexing and searching: benchmarks show performance gains
ranging from 300% to over 500%
* Instant on-the-fly indexing upon fetching messages
* New extensible search user interface with combinable fields - similar
to Panther's Finder searches
* Supports the following search criteriae:
  - Entire message content
  - Subject
  - Body
  - From
  - To
  - From or To
  - other message attributes:
    - Date sent [range]
    - Date received [range]
    - Label
    - Account 
* Supports the following combinable search operators:
  - Ability to restrict searches to subject, to, from or body
  - Includes all of the words
  - Includes exact phrase
  - Includes at least one of the words
  - Does not include the words
  - matches the search pattern (advanced mode):
    - Search literal (ie: "the quick brown fox")
    - Search words starting with (ie: quick brown f* )
    - Omit words (ie: quick brown -shoe -typewriter)
    - OR searches (ie: quick|rapid|fast brown fox)
* Offers colored hiliting of search results in a message's body
* Other improvements over previous searching in PowerMail 3 and 4:
  - Gets rid of all former "Lady" errors
  - Background indexing now fully reliable on Mac OS X
  - Numbers are now indexed
  - Supports Japanese, Chinese and Korean properly (entirely based on Unicode)
  - Most of the re-indexing process occurs in a background thread,
allowing simultaneous work in the application (this used to only be true
for updating the index)

* FILTERING can now also occur based on a message's content (notably
useful for creating customizeable built-in spam filters)

* IMAP SEARCHES now possible and very fast due to indexing of the local
IMAP cache (once connected, the search dialog will allow restricting
searches to the selected IMAP mailboxes)

* Still supports Mac OS X, Mac OS 9 and even 8.6

* Now compatible with the "Panther" (Mac OS X 10.3) preview builds

[Note: this test version is currently not localized in French, Japanese,
Dutch or German; these translations will be included in the final 4.2

4 steps to better searching - how to install:

1. Make a backup of your current PowerMail files folder. Although we are
confident enough to use this software on our own main databases, keep in
mind that PowerMail 4.2b1 will make changes to your current databases
which will no longer be readable by 4.1.3. As with any pre-release
software, use it at your own risk.

2. Install PowerMail 4.2b1 and launch it; as a default, a fresh folder
named "PowerMail files 4.2" will be created in your User folder. If you
wish to convert a copy of your 4.1 database (see point 2 above), use
"Switch user environments" in the Database submenu of the File menu

3. After converting your database and deleting your now-obsolete V-Twin
indexes, PowerMail should automatically begin the indexing process. If
for some reason you wish to rebuild your index later, you may do so with
the "Rebuild Indexes" item of the Database submenu of the File menu

4. Once the index is complete, start searching ! Compare former search
results and performance, and please discuss your findings either:
- on the PowerMail discussion list
- using the "Send a message to PowerMail support" option in the Help menu
of registered versions
- if needed, by private post to us at [EMAIL PROTECTED]
We are especially interested in possible crash logs with the situations
that might have lead to them, are also of interest.

Thanks in advance, and kind regards,

The PowerMail development team

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