James Pistrang on 7/25/03 said

>1) Search for Address Book records using multiple criteria.  For
>instance, display addresses where 'xyz' is in the name OR the address OR
>the comments, in a single search.

Don't know if the new search capabilities include this or not...

>2) Be able to limit the results of my Address Book search to JUST
>individual contacts or JUST groups.  Right now it returns both, which is
>sometimes confusing & difficult to work with.  If I can't limit the
>search, I'd like to at least be able to sort the results so I can
>separate the groups from the individual contacts.

>3) Keyboard Shortcut for Hide Others would be nice (CMD-SHIFT-H).

>4) I'd like to change the font/size of printed messages.  Is there a way
>to do this?

No. Yes. Make the font the size you want for printing and zoom the screen
so it looks bigger. I don't know how helpful this is; but then I like the
big print.
>5) A Preferences option to delete from Mail Trash after a specified
>amount of time would be nice.  Is there a way to do this?

There is a script. However a purge function is a frequent request. My
head is kind of thinking of a different way but it hasn't bubbled up into
something useful yet.
Barbara Needham

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