Original message:
Received from Jefferis Peterson on 24/6/03 at 12:38 pm

>Just an simple observation. I moved from a G3 266 to a G4 500 and noticed a
>bump in improvement but nothing outrageous. I wouldn't even consider a G4
>1400 upgrade unless I was heavy into video work and 3D rendering or
>continuously using large files in Pshop. I am content to wait till the next
>real screaming speed increase before upgrading.

Yeah, well, it looks like this IS the real screaming speed increase. I
was emailing a tech-savvy friend of mine (I wouldn't know backside cache
from my backside) and speculating how nice it would be to be able to swap
my 500 MHz DP for a 2GHz DP and get a 4-5x speed increase. He said, "no,
you don't get it; the change in chip architecture means that the 2GHz DP
won't be 4 times as fast as yours, it'll be somewhere around 10-15 times
faster than my current one".

I *do* continuously use large photoshop files -- I can't wait to get one
of these beasts; I'm not sure I can restrain myself to give them 6 months
breaking-in/shakedown time.

Okay, enough. I was a bit cheeky to start this as a thread on the PM
list, but hey, it's the big news for all mac users. 

Saving money hard...

G4/500 MHz (DP)  ::  OS X 10.2.6  ::  768 MB RAM
PM 4.1.3  ::  3 pane mode

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