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On Mon, Jun 23, 2003, Marlyse Comte said:

>there is an apple-script for that. check out wayne's apple-script depository.
>>like it was possible to do in emailer?
>>i used this to make it easier to find filed messages [ie all domain
>>registrations were filed with the domain as part of the subject line]
>>powermail doesn't allow me to do this, or i haven't found a way to allow it

Like marlyse said there's a Change Subject AppleScript if you want to
change an individual message.

Part of the Burst Digest package is a script that will automatically
remove certain, user configurable things that some mailing lists, like
Yahoo, put in their subject lines.

Andy Fragen
TiBook 400/384 RAM - OS X 10.2.6 - PowerMail v4.1.3
PowerMail AppleScript Archives: http://homepage.mac.com/wayneb/powermail.html

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