I don't know what's wrong with the native VIEW HTML feature, but it probably
shouldn't be an option. I get the spinning cursor and even Safari becomes
unresponsive if I choose to view html with PM 4.1.3 instead of with a

## Component Manager: attempting to find symbols in a component alias of
type (regR/carP/x!bt)
Jun  9 07:18:54my-G4 /Applications/PowerMail 4.1.2 (Mac OS
X)/PowerMail.app/Contents/MacOS/PowerMail: *** Warning: Line option
kATSLineIsDisplayOnly has been deprecated. ***

Jun  9 07:20:04 Jeffs-G4 WindowServer[175]: CGXDisableUpdate: Updates
disabled by connection 0xb407 for over 1.000000 seconds

Also after a rebuild I had a crash on startup this AM
Console log:

2003-06-09 07:17:11.416 PowerMail[489] An uncaught exception was raised
2003-06-09 07:17:11.423 PowerMail[489] connection timeout: did not receive
2003-06-09 07:17:11.423 PowerMail[489] *** Uncaught exception:
<NSPortTimeoutException> connection timeout: did not receive reply
Jun  9 07:17:13 my-G4 crashdump: Crash report written to:


Date/Time:  2003-06-09 07:17:13 -0400
OS Version: 10.2.6 (Build 6L60)
Host:       my-G4.local.

Command:    PowerMail
PID:        489

Exception:  EXC_BREAKPOINT (0x0006)
Code[0]:    0x00000001Code[1]:    0x90844988

Thread 0 Crashed:
 #0   0x90844988 in _NSRaiseError
 #1   0x907ede28 in -[NSConnection sendInvocation:]
 #2   0x907f10b4 in -[NSObject(NSForwardInvocation) forward::]
 #3   0x9068c130 in _objc_msgForward
 #4   0x931a247c in _NSLookupPBServer
 #5   0x931a20dc in +[NSApplication(NSServicesMenuPrivate)
 #6   0x93129250 in -[NSApplication(NSServicesMenuPrivate)
 #7   0x931a6fdc in -[NSSpellChecker init]
 #8   0x931a6e90 in +[NSSpellChecker sharedSpellChecker]
 #9   0x02f14458 in SetIgnoredWords
 #10  0x0060093c in SetIgnoredWords__11CSpellCheckFPC9__CFArrayi
 #11  0x00601570 in Load__21CSpellCheckIgnoreListFv
 #12  0x00600ecc in _ct__21CSpellCheckIgnoreListFRC5FSRef
 #13  0x002e1978 in FinishCreateSelf__7CPMTextFv
 #14  0x00567040 in FinishCreate__5LViewFv
 #15  0x00566fd0 in FinishCreate__5LViewFv
 #16  0x00566fd0 in FinishCreate__5LViewFv
 #17  0x00566fd0 in FinishCreate__5LViewFv
 #18  0x0023498c in 0x23498c
 #19  0x0022efa4 in CreateMessageView__12CMailBrowserFv
 #20  0x0022f0e0 in SizerGetPane__12CMailBrowserFUl
 #21  0x004de684 in 0x4de684
 #22  0x004dde30 in
 #23  0x0022dfec in 0x22dfec
 #24  0x0021f8ac in
 #25  0x00221080 in LoadWindows__11CWindowListFP9CMASMsgDB
 #26  0x001ff800 in 0x1ff800
 #27  0x001fe70c in SwitchUserFiles__6CPMAppFP6FSSpec
 #28  0x001fbbf0 in StartUpPM__6CPMAppFP6FSSpec
 #29  0x001fb03c in StartUp__6CPMAppFv
 #30  0x00551e6c in
 #31  0x0055507c in
 #32  0x002084d0 in HandleAppleEvent__6CPMAppFRC6AEDescR6AEDescR6AEDescl
 #33  0x00577ca0 in
 #34  0x005736c4 in HandleAppleEvent__14LModelDirectorFRC6AEDescR6AEDescl
 #35  0x00574cd4 in AppleEventHandler__14LModelDirectorFPC6AEDescP6AEDescl
 #36  0x91b56570 in _Z20aeDispatchAppleEventPK6AEDescPS_mPh
 #37  0x91b590cc in _Z25dispatchEventAndSendReplyPK6AEDescPS_
 #38  0x91b56478 in aeProcessAppleEvent
 #39  0x96a83778 in AEProcessAppleEvent
 #40  0x00208690 in EventHighLevel__6CPMAppFRC11EventRecord
 #41  0x005581fc in DispatchEvent__16LEventDispatcherFRC11EventRecord
 #42  0x005cbca8 in ProcessNextEvent__10LTSMDocAppFv
 #43  0x002080f0 in ProcessNextEvent__6CPMAppFv
 #44  0x0055160c in Run__12LApplicationFv
 #45  0x001f6948 in main

Thread 1:
 #0   0x90073c28 in mach_msg_trap
 #1   0x90005f70 in mach_msg
 #2   0xc0009190 in __ape_internal
 #3   0xc0000efc in __ape_agent
 #4   0x90020d28 in _pthread_body

Thread 2:
 #0   0x90034828 in semaphore_wait_trap
 #1   0x90034764 in pthread_join
 #2   0x01e3c214 in 0x1e3c214

Thread 3:
 #0   0x9003ea88 in semaphore_wait_signal_trap
 #1   0x9003e8a4 in _pthread_cond_wait
 #2   0x9029f79c in MPRemoteCall
 #3   0x01e3c29c in 0x1e3c29c

Thread 4:
 #0   0x90073c28 in mach_msg_trap
 #1   0x90005f70 in mach_msg
 #2   0x901489f0 in __CFRunLoopRun
 #3   0x90180f58 in CFRunLoopRunSpecific
 #4   0x94d9c1c0 in _ZN10HALRunLoop9OwnThreadEPv
 #5   0x94d911b0 in _ZN9CAPThread5EntryEPS_
 #6   0x90020d28 in _pthread_body

Thread 5:
 #0   0x90073c28 in mach_msg_trap
 #1   0x90005f70 in mach_msg
 #2   0x90229cf8 in SwitchContexts
 #3   0x902245a0 in YieldToThread
 #4   0x90242700 in SetThreadState
 #5   0x9026cf08 in SetThreadStateEndCritical
 #6   0x005501d4 in SemWait__7LThreadFP10LSemaphorelR4QHdrRUc
 #7   0x005c7624 in BlockThread__10LSemaphoreFl
 #8   0x005c74d0 in Wait__10LSemaphoreFl
 #9   0x0054e9fc in Run__Q27LThread7CleanupFv
 #10  0x005509b4 in DoEntry__7LThreadFPv
 #11  0x9023b180 in CooperativeThread
 #12  0x90020d28 in _pthread_body

Thread 6:
 #0   0x9000512c in syscall
 #1   0x90515d0c in BSD_waitevent
 #2   0x905156dc in CarbonSelectThreadFunc
 #3   0x90020d28 in _pthread_body

Thread 7:
 #0   0x9003ea88 in semaphore_wait_signal_trap
 #1   0x9003e8a4 in _pthread_cond_wait
 #2   0x9051dbf0 in CarbonOperationThreadFunc
 #3   0x90020d28 in _pthread_body

Thread 8:
 #0   0x9003ea88 in semaphore_wait_signal_trap
 #1   0x9003e8a4 in _pthread_cond_wait
 #2   0x9053c600 in CarbonATOperThreadFunc
 #3   0x90020d28 in _pthread_body

PPC Thread State:
  srr0: 0x90844988 srr1: 0x0202f030                vrsave: 0x00000000
   xer: 0x20000000   lr: 0x90844964  ctr: 0x90014940   mq: 0x00000000
    r0: 0x00000000   r1: 0xbfff9660   r2: 0x2480424d   r3: 0x00000000
    r4: 0x00000000   r5: 0x20000000   r6: 0xbfff9340   r7: 0x20000000
    r8: 0x00086010   r9: 0xa07e0294  r10: 0x00000002  r11: 0x02ec7f90
   r12: 0x2480424d  r13: 0x029d8ef0  r14: 0x00841010  r15: 0x029da8e0
   r16: 0x00000000  r17: 0x00000000  r18: 0x00846480  r19: 0x0084c940
   r20: 0x00000000  r21: 0x00000000  r22: 0x02ee8e20  r23: 0x02b1a8c0
   r24: 0x02edd7a0  r25: 0x906ccaa0  r26: 0x02ec0ce0  r27: 0xa07e02ac
   r28: 0x02edd7a0  r29: 0x02f7a710  r30: 0x02ec7e70  r31: 0x908448a8

Jefferis Peterson, Pres.
Web Design and Marketing

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