On 6/7/03, at 4:59 AM, Mikael Byström wrote:

>However, I'd say that 70% of spammers don't even care. Most of them
>bought a CD with your and about 1 000 000 other addresses on it and will
>use that on and on again. You really think these people even care if your
>mail bounces back at the poor postmaster that had his/hers SMTP attacked
>by the m?
>If you really want to make a difference, report religiously to
>Spamcop.net. It's free or you can pay for near spamfree accounts when you
>run your mail trough their system.

I think is does work to some extent.  I was receiving spam at one email
address.  I started bouncing it back and it stopped at that address but
started at another of my email addresses.  It was strange that they had
both but it did seem to stop.  Maybe the poor postmaster that is allowing
this will take action if they keep getting the bounce backs.

I have SpamSieve but training it has been difficult.  Generally, all my
In Tray mail (that is mail that isn't filtered to another folder) ends up
in the Spam folder.


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