I only copy it in my browser and paste it as quotation in PM.

All the Best

Am/On: Sat, 24 May 2003 03:16:36 +0200 schrieb/wrote: Mike Mike Edwards

>This trick worked great in MacOS 9.2, not sure about OSX. I know I know I
>have the CD and will get around to installing it one of these days. LOL 
>I got a HTML message and I had to reply to it. I remembered CTM's
>suggestion about loading it in the browser and saving it, then sending it
>as a attachment. But that seemed like alot of work and I wasn't sure how
>the sender would receive it. I then remember a trick I used in Internet
>Explorer. So I clicked on the globe and opened up the email in IE, did a
>Select All and then dragged all the selected text to the desktop. What IE
>does is clean up the selection and save it as a text file. Double click
>on the saved file and it opens up in your text editor. Do another select
>all and paste it in your email. Took all of 30 seconds and it worked like
>a charm.
>I hope this helps.
>Mike Edwards
>"The secret of life is honesty and fair dealing. If you can fake that,
>you've got it made."                 ---  Groucho Marx  ---



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