I have my own mail server. The server is setup to deliver mail to 
multiple email addresses to a single user account. 
Then PowerMail picks up the mail from the server from that user's
mail box.

However, when replying to my mail, all replies' 'From' field default
to the main account as it should. Half the time, the default account is
not desired as the source of my messages. So most of the time I have
to manually set the sending account manually from the popup menu and
sometime when I'm in a hurry (tons of email) I forget to set the
sending account properly and the message reach the recipient coming
from a sender that is unknown to the recipient.

There is an undesired solution, which is create a user account on the
server for each email address and have the server deliver the messages
to the proper mail box, but that would create way too many user accounts
on the server.

Is there a way to have PowerMail automatically set the 'From:' field
to the replied-to message's 'To:' field?

If not, hopefully, ctm would put this on their feature request list?

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