---------------- Begin Forwarded Message ----------------
Subject: PowerMail Environment
Date Sent: Wednesday, April 2, 2003 9:40
From: George Duebner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: George Duebner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

I sent this to PowerMail on Sunday but have received no reply.  

I've checked on my Mac for the folder and thought that I had created a
backup of the original environment, but the backup that I thought I had
created ended up having none of the original info in it.   I've just got
to believe that my original PowerMail environment is somewhere.... or at
least I hope so. 

I'm hoping someone can help me find my "old" PowerMail environment.


I tried to created a new user environment, and i guess i did so
successfully, but, I lost my old environment, or at least I don't know
how to show it anymore.  When I double-click the PowerMail icon I just
get the new environment.  I really need my old environment back because
its the one which has the folders into which I had organized my emails,
and it has all of the emails from my the software before I started to use

What I'd like is different user environments for different email
accounts, and so I thought I created a new user environment.

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