I went looking all over my iMac for the PM manual file yesterday and I'm
pretty sure I don't have it ... what DID happen is that when I rebooted
this A.M. I had a clean (read empty) mailbox/addr book ... agghhh..

After some messing about I happened upon Database/Switch User Environment
.. which allowed me to get back to my "proper" message database.  Gee
maybe the manual explains what THAT's about.

Is there any way to get JUST the manual file ... from the CTM website or
elsewhere or do I need to do another download (and - heaven forbid -
another install.

My PM icon in the dock has changed too ... i can only assume I clicked
something I shouldna yesterday ... 

another thing ...

My IE won't load ctmdev.com... I can get to other sites in IE,   I can
get to crmdev using Safari...  IE just hangs on it.. ... anyone else had
probs with IE on this website???

any ideas appreciated ...
Helen in Aus.

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