very cool - will give this a whirl...


Information isn't wisdom. Information isn't learning. If information
were learning, you could be educated by memorizing the world almanac.
If you did that, you wouldn't be educated. You'd be weird.

 - David McCullough, author/historian, in INC. magazine, May 2000

on Thu, 13 Mar 2003 08:51:33 -0800 / Andy Fragen said: 

>*This message was transferred with a trial version of CommuniGate(tm) Pro*
>On Thu, Mar 13, 2003, Jonathan Greene said:
>>I have an account that does not support html messages due to my company's
>>gateway.  I'd like to automatically remove the attach*.html bits that
>>come in so I don't have to do it manually and don't clutter up my
>>attachments folder.  When I went to create a rule for this, the only
>>option seemed to be to remove all attachments, which is not what I want
>>to do, since I often receive Office docs there.  Any thoughts?
>There is a script, "Delete vCard Attachments" that comes with PowerMail.
>You could easily duplicate that script, change it, and run it from a
>filter to act always on incoming messages.
>tell application "PowerMail"
>       set theMessages to current messages
>       repeat with msg in theMessages
>               repeat with attach in every attachment of msg
>                       if name of attach ends with (".html" or ".htm") then
>                               tell application "Finder"
>                                       set f to file of attach
>                                       move f to trash
>                               end tell
>                       end if
>               end repeat
>       end repeat
>end tell
>The above should work.
>Andy Fragen

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