On Mon, 10 Mar 2003 20:00:01 +0100,  "Jonathan Greene",
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, allegedly wrote: 

>Through some solid trial and (many) error(s) I was able to figure out the
>send with PowerMail PDF Service!
>Sends ANY document you print as Print Job.pdf from within PowerMail.

Yeow! Thanks Jonathan. This is awesome!! As is the rest of the exposed
PDF Service architecture.

Along the same lines, just saw today, PageSender, allows you to "print to
fax" or "print a pdf to email" from the Print dialog of any app! Supports
quite a few Mail clients (including PM), uses a variety of address books
(including PM's and Apple's). Shareware $29.95. I haven't tried it yet,
but has great reviews on VersionTracker.


- Christopher Plummer

** CHRIS'S UNPREDICTABLE and OCCASIONAL Newsletter for Mac Users ** 
check the UNPREDICTABLE archive - <http://www.unpredictablemac.com>

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