For what it is worth you might want to check out POPFile for Spam
filtering as well as filtering in general.  It is essentially a mail
proxy that categorizes mail on receipt.  You then filter based on these
classifications or buckets in the parlance of POPFile.  There is a very
strong Bayesian filter which captures most of spam and really really has
made a difference.  It is free and can be run on system start-up or from
the terminal directly.  I highly recommend it.

Entourage is not capable of handling the header modification, btw... only
subject line changes which are not quite as stealthy...

<> main project page
<> directions from setting up on OS X



I am a kind of paranoiac in reverse. I suspect people of plotting to make
me happy.

       - J.D. Salinger

on Wed, 12 Mar 2003 00:25:26 +0100 / Max Gossell said: 

>When creating mail filters in Entourage, there is a nice option: "Is HTML". 
>This would be very handy in PowerMail as well when setting up junk mail

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