>> How do I do to delete the message but _keep_ the attachment (without
>> manually move/copy it directly from the finder first)? Is this
>> possible?
>you will need to move the attachment manually from the attachment folder
>if you want to keep it but trash the message. 
>control-click onto the attachment icon > reveal in finder > drag it to
>another location 
>(e.g. 'attachments_to_keep' within the attachment folder or just a level
>higher - makes the manual drag step fast and painless). 
>PM needs to loose the link to the attachment which happens through
>manually moving the attachment to another location. now you're save to
>trash the email message.

Another option, if you know you're going to keep the attachment(s) when
you're reading the message, is to use the attachment icons at the bottom
of the mail window.  You should see one icon for each attachment, and the
icons should have the proper badge showing you the document type they are.

If you select one of the attachment icons from within the mail you are
reading and drag it to the Desktop, you will move the attachment out of
the Attachments folder and onto the Desktop (breaking the link between
message and attachment, by the way).  This is one way to do what you want.

The other is to Option- drag the icon to the Desktop.  This creates a
copy of the attachment on the Desktop.  In this case, you will now have
two instances of the attachment: one on the Desktop (or wherever you
dragged to, actually) and one in the Attachments folder.  This does not
break the link between message and attachment.

Of course, this only works while you're reading the messages.  The reason
being, that is the only time you see the icons representing attachment files.

Tokyo, Japan

iBook   PPC G3   300MHz   OS 8.6   160MB/+400MB VM   CarbonLib 1.6
PM 4.1.2   (15MB allocated)   2 pane view   Digest Mode
Tim's PowerMail FAQ <http://home.hpo.net/timm/PowerMailFAQ.html>
Last updated: March 21, 2002

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