Thanks Barbara.  That's how I set it at first for spam, but thought I
should check before I delete, since sometimes I am a bit too quick on the
draw with deletions... This does seem like the best way though to
maintain a clean view in RMW, since there is no way to "easily" mark as
read and remove from view.  I am sure this can be done in AppleScript,
but I don't have the power.  For now, this solution works just fine.


"Faithless is he that says farewell when the road darkens."
--J.R.R. Tolkien 

on Mon, 10 Mar 2003 15:26:38 -0800 /Barbara Needham said: 

>Jonathan Greene on 3/10/03 said
>>Any way to select messages NOT to display in recent mail?  I have a JUNK
>>folder where spam goes and would love to hide that from recent mail
>Posted on Monday by Rick Lecoat:
>>One way of getting around even the slight chore of clicking the 'delete
>>read messages' button in the Recent Mail Window (RMW) is to move the
>>messages to the trash before moving them to their final destination, as
>>any message moved to trash is also removed from the RMW. I use this to
>>prevent list stuff (like this list) from cluttering up the RMW; the
>>filter that processes incoming list postings contains the action "Move
>>message to Mail Trash" followed immediately by "Move message to folder PM
>>With Spam sieve this would be slightly more complicated because all the
>>message processing is done by the Spam Sieve script rather than by
>>separate filter actions, but it shouldn't be too hard to add a line to
>>the SS Move Spam script that moves the message through the trash en-route
>>to its final resting place.
>>PS. Acknowledgements to Marcus Jarrett who first tipped me off about the
>>move-to-trash trick for preventing RMW clutter
>Barbara Needham

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