If you still have your OS9 boot disk use that temporarily. I had my OS9
disk crash so for a month i had to run on OSX only. I used my OS9 boot
disk a couple of times to fix things that OSX wouldn't let me touch. Not
a neat and tidy way but it worked.

Also thanks for the info on Tri-edre. I have been contemplating buying it
as well and your message just made the decision for me.


The faster the computer
The more impatient the user

>I don't have 9 installed!  Only OSX.
>Any other way ?
>On Monday, March 10, 2003 at 7:14 AM, Jonathan Greene wrote:
>>on Mon, 10 Mar 2003 06:09:17 -0600 /Wayne Brissette said: 
>>>>There must be a way to hack this.  Anybody know where PM store's it's
>>>>(very limited choice of) sound files?
>>>in a file that is only accessible from Mac OS 9. Startup in Mac OS 9 and
>>>modify the sounds suitcase.
>>I do not run Classic or 9 at all - 100% OS X.  Any other option?
>>I hate it when my foot falls asleep during the day-because then I know it
>>will be up all night.
>>-- Steven Wright 

The faster the computer
The more impatient the user.

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