>George Henne [EMAIL PROTECTED] on 2/25/03 at 10:38 stated: 
>>I have a vendor that sends me data in a .csv (comma separated value) file
>>as an attachment to the message. How can I open this file and copy its
>BBedit? TextEdit? Any good text editor should let you do this. If you
>want to parse the data automatically, that's a bit different, but it's
>pretty easy to do.
>-- Begin AppleScript template
>set TID to AppleScript's Text Item Delimiters
>Tell application "text editor goes here"
>set MessageContainer to contents of text window 1  as list (* This is
>actually BBedit syntax *)
>End Tell
>set AppleScript's text item delimiters to ","
>repeat with i from 1 to (count of items of MessageContainer)
>set Holder1 to text item 1 of (item i of MessageContainer)
>set Holder2 to text item 2 of (item i of MessageContainer)
>-- keep doing this until you're finished with the items
>-- do what ever you need to with the data now.

I'm not sure this is what I am looking for. I need the script that
extracts the data somehow from Powermail and gets it into the editor. I
think the above code assumes it is already in text window 1. How did it
get there from PM?

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