Marlyse Comte [EMAIL PROTECTED] on 30 January 2003 stated:

>ever since upgrading to osX and pm 4.1.1 i have 'double scripts' - i have
>searched my drives and made sure that i only have 1 copy of them on the
>drive, but they still show up as doubles - for example 'fix incorrect
>date'. it looks as if i do not get rid of the default pm scripts. i
>trashed the script folder from the pm application folder, i only have a
>pm script folder in the documents > pm files folder. some hidden files?
>some library? but why would a search not come up with the additional
>scripts? any way to get rid of them?
Find PowerMail and hold the control key down, click PM and in the
contexual menu an item called Show Package Contents appears. Choose that
from the menu. Inside are other scripts which I suspect are the one's you
are looking for. I would urge you to leave the ones inside PM and remove
the scripts located elsewhere, but at least you can verify that the
doubles are located inside the package and outside as well.

A search won't find items inside a package. They are "hidden" from view.


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