good idea and maybe to the website as well.

The list admin at ctmdev has to do that.
But I guess he's reading the list ;-)

All the best


Admilon Consulting GmbH
Tel. +81-736-56-3905

Am/On Thu, 31 Aug 2006 10:21:08 +0100 schrieb/wrote Tim Hodgson:

>On Thu, Aug 31, 2006 at 7:45 am +0900, Matthias Schmidt wrote:
>>Hello all,
>>our archive is online and live.
>>You can browns and search it under this address:
>>or as a short cut you can use this one:
>>the archive goes back to January 2002.
>>If you have a problem, you can find some useful answers there.
>>Of course we hope you'll never have any ;-)
>>Enjoy :-)
>Thanks again Matthias. One more thought - could the archive address be
>added to the list headers?
>PowerMail 5.2.3 | OS X 10.4.7 | PowerBook FW/500 | 640MB RAM

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