>Do you really plan to be subscribed to this list for as long as you  

Probably... Or at least until I stop using the product (unlikely in the near 
future).  :-)

At this point you're simply sounding like a whiney baby. Give Jerome a chance 
to look into it. If you consider this list spam, mark it as such and it will go 
into the SPAM folder or simply filter it to the trash for the time being. Trust 
me, you don't want to flood us with email, then you would be considered outside 
your ISPs use agreement and could possibly have your account yanked. For now, 
just give it a rest. If the problem isn't solved in a couple of days, then 
maybe you need to rethink things. However, 99.99% of us on this list can't help 
you, we don't control the list or have admin privs on this list, so give us a 


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