On Tue, 10 Oct 2006 18:58:12 -0400, Don V. Zahniser wrote:
>> "About Powermail" displays "256 Users License for Christopher Plummer" in
>> upper left corner.
> Mine displays "1 users license for Don Zahniser".

Same here, except the name is different of course. :-)
Could this be anything to do with not having used any of the earlier 
beta versions of 5.5?

Everything else seems to work as expected so far. However, I would like 
to add my vote for keeping an option to use Stuffit for compression. In 
5.5 Zip appears to be the only option, and some users may be sending 
e-mail to recipients using old systems.

OS X 10.4.8 PPC
Mark Smith, Higashi Osaka, Japan
Mark's Bits & Bobs: <http://www.geocities.jp/pakeman1066/>

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