If you want to do this via AppleScript then just save the following as a script.

do shell command "pbpaste | pbcopy"

Andy Fragen

On Oct 14, 2006, at 3:14 PM, Andy Fragen wrote:

There's a much simpler method.

pbpaste | pbcopy

I save the above shell script and converted to an small application
using Platypus or some other app that will make a script into an

Copy the text, run the app/script, then paste the text.


Andy Fragen

On Oct 13, 2006, at 9:37 AM, Alan Harper wrote:

I keep a script in my User Scripts Folder for just this purpose. I
changed it (from a version that was PPC only), so there might be some
problems, but try creating the following script in AppleScript Editor

        get the clipboard
        get result as text
        get result as record
        get «class ktxt» of result
        set the clipboard to result
end try

and save it as "Strip Clip Style" (or your favorite name) in ~/

You can also paste into a "style-less" text editor like BBEdit and
then copy.


Mikael Byström said at Fri, Oct 13, 2006 4:36 PM -0700:

PowerMail Engineering said:

text is
copied with PowerMail's formatting: the fonts you defined in the
preferences, and the color of URLs and quoted text.

Anyone know how to get pasted text in any app or specifically in
6, OmniOutliner 3 and Word to adjust font, size and color to the

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