Steve Abrahamson sez:

>Is there a way around this that I'm missing? Is there a way to set a
>message to "Sent" without sending?

Here's an AppleScript to do just that. I believe it came with PowerMail.

set answer to display dialog "Do you want to change the status of all
the selected messages to \"sent\"?" & return & "This is useful if you
have imported sent messages." buttons {"Cancel", "OK"} default button "OK"
if button returned of answer is "OK" then
        tell application "PowerMail"
                set theMessages to the current messages
                repeat with theMsg in theMessages
                        set status of theMsg to sent
                end repeat
        end tell
end if

   Tom Dillon                                        900 S. Coors Dr.
   DataCraft                                       Lakewood, CO 80228
   [EMAIL PROTECTED]                           720/962-4880
     Just because rabbit pellets look like Cocoa Puffs doesn't
     mean they're part of a nutritious breakfast. --- Sunastar

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