Am/On Wed, 11 Apr 2007 16:10:23 -0500 schrieb/wrote Steve Abrahamson:

>PowerMail's been giving me a problem today: I have it checking a bunch
>of different accounts (some on a regular mail server, some on gmail,
>some on .mac), and *one* of them won't connect suddenly. It's a gmail
>account, not a new one, and I should point out that several other gmail
>accounts are connecting just fine right now.
>The error message is:
>                Connection Error
>    Make sure your internet connection is active.

this means PM lost the internet connection or it timed out:
- you lost your internet connection temporary, like a bad WLAN connnection
- your router/modem or what ever you use went down for a short
- the IP stack crashed - but then usually PM shows what Germans call the
SAT1 wheel.

in the worst case restart everything, but then you should be fine again.

Thanks and all the best


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