I use PM 5.5.2b3 with Tiger 10.4.9 on a MacBook Pro and would greatly
appreciate help with 2 questions.

1) I work with POP accounts only, and PM checks 10 of them every
minute.  I've always left the setting on the default to retrieve mails
from the POP accounts "one at a time."  Is there any downside or risk to
changing that to retrieve mail from the POP accounts simultaneously?  If
it makes a difference, 5 of the POP accounts are from various domains
that are all on one server.

2) Whenever my mail is displayed, I would like it if it always showed it
with the simple header (i.e., the "show simple header" option).  But
whenever I change it to that option or try to make the setting
permanent, it always eventually changes to some other option.  I'm
probably overlooking something very obvious and would appreciate some

Thanks, as always, for your help.


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